“Call them “illegals”, migrants”, “displaced”, whatever. Seeing the birds high in the sky (it’s the season), you know they can fly over the walls, the fences, the borders. They don’t need IDs, permits, stamps to cross the oceans, the continents, without check-points. I…
L’heure d’ailleurs is a long trip in Africa these weeks, via the largest river in the World: The Congo River. From North to South, with music heard from nearby Countries : Polyphonic rhythms, beautiful melodies… Take the boat!
Sometimes is sane to come back home and feel the roots in our hearts. This is the mixtune message from Dominique Prud’homme…
L’heure d’ailleurs was selected to participe again this year to the “International Jazz Day” with a mission: promote Middle-East Artists. Picture by Beatriz Sampaio
It’s a special one: the soundtrack for an exhibition of the Art of Meşribe, in order to married sound and beatiful jewel creations! The mixtune by L´heure d´ailleurs goes from Middle-East to Latin picks! Enjoy Radyo Meşribe!
“This one is about Jazz and Jazz Poetry, inspired by my re-reading of Jack Kerouac and my reminiscences of my Father’s lectures on Jazz…” L’heure d’ailleurs
L’heure d’ailleurs is revisiting a lifelong cartoons love, All respect to the founders and the moderns creators…all of them marvelous genius. And our tribute to the toons music and sounds that make it so magic!
Discover Babel World Music! “Poor humans, divided by God into so many tribes. But they deserved their fate, and here we are.” L’heure d’ailleurs.
From an Island to a distant shore, from a busy city to a tiny village, traveling from here to there, L’heure d’ailleurs shares the most basic feeling of this infinite journey. And that… is Love!
“Third Kind Encounters in a remote constellation…Pisces. Hommage to John Williams and Steven Spielberg who showed the way to communicate with Aliens, musicians light years away from our so sorry world.” L’heure d’ailleurs